My parent has Alzheimer’s. Now what?

Alzheimer's Disease

Since is Alzheimer’s is a gradual, degenerative disease, your family has probably been dealing with the situation for some time. Likely your Mom or Dad is in the Middle Stage of the disease and you are handling healthcare/personal care decisions on an ongoing basis. Now you are also facing decisions involving your parent’s property such as their financial assets and the family home. The steps you take now are critical to achieving a positive outcome for your Mom or Dad and their care.

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Downsizing Resistance. What’s behind it?


Just the thought of downsizing can cause a flood of emotions, most of them leading to resistance. Here are the top five reasons. Continue reading “Downsizing Resistance. What’s behind it?”

Downsizing for widows


Downsizing as a widow is never easy since it arrives on your doorstep like bad weather, unwelcome and often by surprise. However, with careful thought, time and support, you will get through this as many have before you.

Continue reading “Downsizing for widows”

The Emotional Side of Downsizing

Park Roller Coaster
The “how to” of downsizing gets a lot of attention. Preparing for the emotions that are created during this process is just as important. Here are many, mixed emotions you can expect to feel before, during and after you are done. Continue reading “The Emotional Side of Downsizing”