What is the Emotional Value of Stuff?


Of all the ways of valuing our stuff, the strongest one is by emotion. Sure, financial and practical/useful measures are important when downsizing but if you run into roadblocks, look for the underlying emotions. Here are three, enduring emotions that may be overpowering or delaying your decluttering plan.

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Looking Back – Looking Ahead on Downsizing


This past year has seen a consistent pattern of household downsizing in developed countries such as Canada, the USA, the UK and Australia. However, I expect this trend to increase and accelerate in 2019 for three important reasons.
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Keep the Joy – Downsize Christmas


Joy to you this Christmas season!

If you are still working on your final touches for the 25th, you may find some helpful suggestions here. These tips from young experts in minimalism cover popular, Christmas downsizing topics: gifts, decor and budget. A minimalist message for today is very fitting. After all, the first Christmas began in a stable feeding trough. How simple. How humble.
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Your Natural Declutter Method?

Declutter Methods

No one needs strategies on how to acquire stuff but we are always looking for help on how to organize and get rid of stuff. The minimalism trend has strongly influenced the most popular methods that you may have tried or heard of. Some are more practical than others. There are probably one or two that you find “natural” for your personality and lifestyle. Here are three of the most famous ones.

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Clutter? Use the Salami Approach


Living in one place for years usually leads to annual increases in the amount of stuff in the home. Even if only a small amount could be called “clutter”, year-by-year growth can gradually amass an imposing pile to deal with. Here is a simple approach to handling it.

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